Stewardship and Income Generation 

We support parishes throughout the diocese by providing you with the tools to build and maintain a generous culture in response to God’s generosity to us. This is essential for every church to develop sustainable ministry, and also to understand and meet your Parish Share.

Creating an environment of sustained generosity can be difficult. We’re here to help you in your journey towards building a generous church and deepening Christian discipleship.

Please follow the links below to discover the types of support we can offer PCCs, Treasurers & Clergy.


Online Giving and QR Codes

Online giving enables people to give to your church  through your church website or social media page without having to visit your church building. Find out more.


Contactless Giving

With fewer people carrying cash now many churches would benefit from having a contactless giving device. Find out more.


Legacies and Giving in Memory

The work of many of our churches is transformed with legacy income. Resources to help you communicate the benefits of legacy giving across your community. Find out more.


Building a Generous Church

Generosity is at the heart of our Faith. Explore how to encourage greater generosity and enable giving in your church. Find out more.


Generosity Week

Generosity Week give us the time and space to reflect on God’s generosity and to celebrate it within our church’s ministry and mission. Explore resources to help you run a Generosity Week in your churchFind out more.


Stewardship Training

Find out more about our training and support opportunities. Find out more.


Grants and Fundraising

Investigate key resources to help you identify and apply for grants to fund your church buildings and mission work. Find out more.


Useful Stewardship Resources

Links to Money For Mission newsletters, giving programme toolkits, ACAT, Gift Aid advice, Parish Resources etc Find out more.


Resources for Clergy

Explore sermon resources, service plans, financial guidance and legalities around leading the PCC. Find out more.

Meet the Team

Janet Edmond
Senior Stewardship Officer & your Diocesan Parish Giving Scheme Representative.


 Beth Vickers

 Stewardship Officer

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