Funeral homes blessed with welcome marks of Epiphany chalk

The tradition of blessing homes with Epiphany chalk has been shared with local funeral homes by Wakefield Area’s Fr David Teasdel.

The chalk is used to bless homes in Epiphanytide (the period between 6 January and Candlemas) and many churches would distribute chalk to their parishioners for use in their own homes. 

“The chalk is a reminder that everyone who comes through the door is welcomed in the same way that the three wise men were welcomed at the birth of Christ,” said Fr David, parish priest for St Mary Magdalene, Altofts and St Luke the Evangelist, Sharlston.

"The same is true in a funeral home and for this reason, as part of our ongoing pastoral care to the funeral directors we minister to, we offered to come and mark their lintels with epiphany chalk., both in their front door and at the doors into their mortuary.

“The gift of myrrh tells us of the immortality of Christ, as it is one of the original spices used in embalming, and was presented by the wise men as a symbol of His future,” said Fr David, pictured (left) outside funeral directors Granville Brooks.

He was supported in his initiative by Bishop Nick at a special event for local directors.

One funeral director commented "We want our funeral home to be like home, for whoever visits, and through whichever door they may enter.”


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