Growth Groups to launch across the diocese

Church leaders with a desire to see their communities flourish are encouraged to join one of three newly created Growth Groups, designed to create a space for mutual learning, encouragement, sharing and prayer. 

Churches growing spiritually, numerically and in their mission to share the Gospel is at the heart of the vision and strategy for the Diocese of Leeds. 

For each group starting in May or September, the aim is to gather leadership teams from up to twelve churches who will meet every two months to focus on one of seven key steps for growth, based on the Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) teaching material. 

One Growth Group will be based in the episcopal area of Ripon, another in Leeds and Wakefield, and the final group in Bradford and Huddersfield.

Revd Canon Robin Gamble, the Bishops Advisor for Church Growth in the diocese, said, “Throughout my own ministry I have regularly fed, been inspired by and learnt from meeting with my colleagues to talk about how we grow our churches. Growth Groups offers us all a gradual journey of doing just this.

“There has never been a better time, a more urgent time and a more kingdom time than now.”

If you are a church leader, lay or ordained, and have attended the LyCiG residential conference you are invited to register your interest. This can be done by contacting Robin directly at

Some of the meetings will take place online, while others will be held face to face. In between each Growth Group meeting, space will also be given for every leader to teach the material to their PCC and church members.

Each Growth Groups will run for eighteen months and by the end it is hoped there will be thirty six growing churches.

Here is a video of Robin, sharing in more detail about this new and exciting project for the Diocese of Leeds. An information leaflet can also be accessed here.


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