Children from the church schools of Burton Leonard and Bishop Monkton have been taking part in the Light at Home challenges.
Each week Rev’d Robb Wainwright, the new House for Duty priest in the villages, is taking a Wednesday assembly on Microsoft Teams and leading the Collective worship by sharing one of the weekly challenges and telling the appropriate story with the children.
The new series of video challenges from our Children, Young People and Families Team aims to provide a helpful resource for school children and families across the diocese. The 12 videos are available here from our Digital Learning Platform with a new message or story to engage with each time.
"We think and pray about the message of the bible verses connected with the story and have a special prayer for that week," said Rev'd Robb.
"When the assembly has finished, the children then have an opportunity to do the challenge and either send it, or a photograph of it, to me for inclusion on the village and church websites. Each week several award certificates are given out by me at the online celebration assemblies on Friday for the previous week’s challenge.
"We have had an increasing number of entries each week Light and as someone new to both villages at a time when lockdown, it has prevented me getting into school in a physical sense, using these challenges is helping me to get to know the children here."
"I have had some very encouraging emails from parents when sending in their child’s/children’s entries.