Financial reviews

Why have a Financial Review? 

Conducting a financial review for your church's finances with one of the team is a great way to discover new income generation opportunities and ways to make savings. Many parishes have found it gives valuable insight into how generosity, giving, need and impact are closely related and have been able to implement simple, practical and effective ideas to make a difference on levels of income.

The financial review looks in depth at  the income and expenditure trends of a PCC over a 10-year period, using Parish Returns data. The aim of the review is to highlight any opportunities for your church to reduce expenditure and generate income along with an identification of the resources available to support this. 


How to Request a Financial Review

If your PCC would like a member of the Stewardship team to prepare a financial review or more information about the process please contact the team directly by email at  or on 07376 525684 to discuss.

To help the Stewardship officer to prepare your financial review you will be asked to complete the Financial Review preparation sheet below which helps to identify what financial challenges you are facing now and in the future.

A Financial Review Preparation Sheet


The Stewardship officer will deliver the financial review using a PowerPoint presentation at a PCC meeting, either in person or via a scheduled Zoom meeting ( if preferred) and discuss the findings with you in detail, also suggesting a prioritised plan for next steps . PCCs should allow around 1.5  - 2 hours  for the presentation and discussion. 

A PDF copy of the presentation will be made available to you following your meeting with the Stewardship officer and follow up support by the Stewardship team  will be available to help you progress with the suggested next steps.














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