"Intergenerational worship takes seriously the idea that people of all ages are part of the worshiping congregation. Just as the oldest to the youngest person present can be part of the body of Christ, so too can the youngest to the oldest person present be genuinely included in worship.
Intergenerational worship is worship that intentionally involves people of different generations in an encounter with God through a range of acts of worship. This might include things such as hearing and reflecting on God’s word, responding to God with praise and/or confession, receiving forgiveness, giving offerings and engagement with one another.
Intergenerational worship can foster surprise, wonder, delight and joy as people of all ages connect more deeply with God and with one another."
Chris Barnett - Children & Families, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, Australia
Intergenerational Resources
All-Age Worship - Guidelines for planning
How about an Animal Service? - An idea
Animal Service Outline - For a celebration
Young People in All Age Worship
Worshipping Together - Not Just Sunday - A leaflet exploring worshipping together
An Introduction to Worship with All Ages
Worship for All Ages - Creating a Service
All Age Service Sample - Based on the book 'Guess How Much I Love You'
Sample All Age Order of Service
Church for Children - Ideas to enable young children to encounter God through all aspects of church life