Latest updates

Latest Update

The latest update from our Property Team can be read here.


Stock Conditions Survey

The team plans to undertake a survey of the condition of the stock across our property portfolio, including clergy housing in 2024. This will include an external and internal inspection of the property which will result in a detailed report of each property to identify what property components e.g. roof, bathroom, kitchens etc. need replacing. We will then use this information to be able to plan future works and budget accordingly. A letter about this can be found here. Information to clergy can be found here.


Key Property Initiatives

We are currently working on important property initiatives to help improve the property service people in our diocese receive. At the centre of our Property Business Plan is the aim ‘to provide a good quality property and estate service that supports our clergy so that they can concentrate on ministry’. We have published a letter with information to make people aware of what is happening and the changes that will be seen in 2024. More detail on both initiatives will follow in due course as we move to implement the changes.

The letter can be read here.


Other Resources

Property Coronavirus Factsheet for Clergy

Diocese of Leeds Covid-19 Property Risk Assessment

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