Parish Finance Support

Here you will find guidance and resources on all things Parish finance.

Additional support is available by phone or email, please contact Jennifer Robinson on 0113 353 0231 or by emailing Alternatively, you can book a 30 minute Zoom support session here.



Church Fund Accounting

Find guidance and resources to help you produce the accounting reports required by law. Find out more.


Independent Examination Guidance

PCC Accounts should  be checked by an independent examiner to ensure compliance  with the Charities Act. Find out more.


PCC Charity Status

Find out more.


PCC Funds

Guidance  for PCCs on managing restricted funds and endowments. Find out more.


Custodian Trust Administration

The  Leeds DBF administers trust funds on behalf of parishes.   Find out more.


Payroll Services

 The Leeds Diocesan Board of Finance offers a basic payroll service to parishes. Find out more.


Non-Safeguarding Serious Incidents

Find information here that explains how to identify when a Non-Safeguarding Serious Incident has occurred and provides guidance on how you should report it to the Charity Commission.  Find out more.


Parish Share Explained

Parish Share is the amount of money that your parish is asked to contribute to pay for mission and ministry, specifically for clergy stipends and their housing. Find out more.


Share Reports

Find here share reports containing information relating to parish share requested and amount paid by Episcopal Area, Deanery and Parish. Find out more.


Useful Resources

A list of the useful places to find further information on church finance matters. Find out more.


Request a Financial Review

A financial review can help you  identify opportunities to reduce spending and generate additional income for your church. Find out more.


Treasurer Forum

Information about our new Treasurer Forum. Find out more.

Meet the Team

Jenni Robinson
Parish Support Accountant


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