Our Local and Global Community

On a visit to Fiji over a year ago for the Regional Primates’ Meeting of the Oceania Region, I saw how climate change has already begun to impact the lives of local people. One of them told me, and these are words I will never forget, "For you Europeans, climate change is a problem for the future. For us it is a problem of everyday survival.

Archbishop Justin Welby

As climate change is affecting the poorest in our communities (both locally and globally) and those without a voice (future generations and animals and plant species), many Christians feel compelled to speak out for climate justice.

Resources for the General Election July 2024

Our government’s policies set the framework to help or hinder national decarbonisation and nature recovery. With many important topics competing for attention, these resources are designed to help you and your church keep the caring for God’s creation, which sustains us all, high up on the list of issues which all political parties are concerned about. Climate change and biodiversity loss should form a key part of election campaigning and policy making in the new parliament.

“When people say that the Bible and politics don't mix, I ask them which Bible they are reading.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Environment and the General Election

This short guide produced by the Church of England Environment Programme suggests five key “asks” – things you may wish to raise with your parliamentary candidates on the doorstep or at hustings events. Read the guide here.

General Election Pack for Churches

Green Christian has teamed up with Operation Noah to put together an action pack to make it easy for you and your church to get involved, and to point to some resources that will help you. Find the pack here.

Hope for the Future 

Hope for the Future provides resources and support to help your church and community speak with your MP about climate justice.

Other resources

The Joint Public Issues Team has lots of information about participating inRoundhay Churches meet MP elections as an individual and as a church here 

Information about participation is also available from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland here 

Find your MP here

Information about candidates for each seat will be available here 

International Climate Talks

The COPs are the United Nations Climate Change conferences which take place each year. We interviewed Professor Piers Forster, Director of the Priestly International Centre, University of Leeds and a lead author of the IPCC reports to hear what he would like the outcome of these to be. 

"For COP, we need concrete action now mainly from the finance institutions supported by regulation I think, to let low carbon investment blossom and fossil fuel investments drop to nothing. Things like border tax adjustments, announcements on coal, electric car charging. money flows to adaptation in hard hit countries and decisions on offsetting... the list goes on, but it needs to happen now and not wait.” 

Professor Piers Forster, Director of the Priestly International Centre, University of Leeds and a lead author of the IPCC reports

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