Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence


Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability, in a way that is prayerful, intentional and, within the grace of God, possible. 

Barnabas offers every church resources and support at different levels, with a view to us all working towards the diocesan vision of Confident Christians, Growing Churches, Transforming Communities. 

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence helps us to:

  • Be Confident in our Mission - Supporting churches to become confident in their use of their building, financial and time resources; and creating more opportunities to be Good News in our communities. 
  • Be Confident in our Future - Ensuring our levels of clergy deployment are fit for the future and are affordable. Barnabas enables us to make deployment decisions in a mission-led way, which can give clergy and churches the confidence that the Diocese is committed to their thriving in an overall financially sustainable structure.
  • Be Confident in our Leadership - Giving significant and specific support around leadership and mentoring in the church, both for clergy in their roles, but also for church teams moving forward in mission.
  • Be Confident in our Witness - Encouraging support for clergy and for churches to be confident in living and telling the Good News of Jesus in a rapidly changing world.  



There are seven streams of support that Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence offers to churches and those who take responsibility for them:

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