Parish Guidance and Displays

Information on what Parishes should display and links to this documentation can be found on the Parish Safeguarding Dashboard.

Alternatively the Documents that should be displayed in Parishes are:

 Please note: The Safeguarding Team no longer work seperate geographical areas. Therefore, as your first point of contact for reporting all issues or making enquiries, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on: Team email: or Office number: 0113 353 0257. 


Additional Parish Resources including risk assessment templates

  • Safer Environment and Activities - provides practical advice for parishes, and all those working on behalf of the Church engaging with children, young people and adults who maybe considered vulnerable, with advice on how to conduct day-to-day ministries safely. Along with advice on risk management planning and a more detailed look at who holds positions of responsibility within the Church there is also specific advice for different situations, along with best practice for those leading activities for children and young people
  • Code of Safer Working Practice Guidance - sets out what we expect from anyone who ministers in our church, in both paid or voluntary roles, and is one of the ways we ensure high standards of safeguarding in all we do 


Consent Forms 


Further Guidance and Resources including information on Responding Well and Recognising Abuse can be found in the Diocesan and National Practice Guidance List

Additional Information regarding Recruitment of volunteers and church officers can be found under the Recruitment and DBS page. 

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