Compass Frequently Asked Questions

What is Compass? 

Compass is a tool that we have developed in the diocese to help churches talk about what next steps they might take in mission. We have used tools that we know work to develop a process that churches can do over two or three hours and come up with a simple plan to do something different or new.  

Compass doesn’t just adopt a one size fits all approach. It builds on the strengths, weaknesses and unique challenges a church might face to then make a plan that is possible. It also connects those plans and ideas up with support that the diocese and our partners elsewhere can offer. 

How many people are needed to run Compass? 

You need one person who can facilitate a conversation and at least three or four others who are part of the church community and who know what goes on in the life of your church. Compass has no limit on the numbers who can participate, but you will need to do the discussion work in smaller groups.  

What if I have a large church with lots going on? 

For many churches Compass can be run for the whole church life. If you are part of a church that has many ministries you may want to use Compass to look at those individual ministries to see how they may develop, rather than trying to look at the church as a whole. These ‘mini Compasses’ might then feed into a bigger Mission Action Plan. 

What if we are in vacancy? 

Compass can be a good opportunity for churches in vacancy to think through what they are already doing, if there is anything that should stop or what they may want to do in preparation for a new priest. Some churches will find it easy to run Compass themselves, but if you think you need an outside facilitator please get in touch.  

How does Compass fit with LYCiG? 

There are some overlaps between the kinds of things that you will talk about in Compass and what many churches have discovered through engaging with LYCiG. Where there are obvious links we have tried to highlight them. However, Compass doesn’t rely on LYCiG experience to get going- probably places less emphasis on what we do on Sunday mornings as we gather for worship.  

Does Compass replace mission action plans? 

Some churches have found making a three year Mission Action Plan to be really helpful. However, many of our churches realise that thinking three years ahead about lots of things is beyond what they can do. Compass is designed to help churches identify one or two things that they might do over the next year to eighteen months. 

If your church has enough energy to make a three year plan - great! If you feel you need something simpler or have never planned before, start with Compass.  

Who runs a Compass session? 

To help you run Compass, it would be worth considering who could facilitate your conversations as a PCC, leadership group or wider mission group. But often the vicar is not the best person to do that. Their voice would be valuable in the mix of discussions rather than focusing on drawing out consensus or navigating any differing views in your group.  

Ideally, a facilitator will understand the Compass material and the developing Barnabas offer, be able to ask the right questions and assist you by reflecting back what they are hearing.   
The Barnabas team can help you decide who might be best to help you run Compass: drop us a line at

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