People serving in multi-parish benefices, many in a rural context, often spend many hours attending PCC meetings and dealing with other aspects of parish governance.
To support our clergy and church officers in this situation, we have identified a number of potential options to help to simplify parish governance:
Option 1 – Co-ordinated PCC Meetings
- All PCCs within the benefice meet on the same day, at the same time and at the same venue. Find out more by clicking here.
Option 2 – Create a Joint Council
- Some or all of the PCCs functions, rights, property and liabilities are transferred to a single Joint Council. Find out more by clicking here.
Option 3 – Unification of all or some of the parishes in the benefice
- Reduction in the number of PCCs to one or two. Find out more by clicking here.
Option 4 – Stay as we are
- Everything remains as it is.
Some of these options will require input from the Mission and Pastoral Team. Please email to learn more.