Clergy Development

The aim of Clergy Development is to help clergy as they continue to grow and learn in ministry and theology, from curacy to retirement, so they in turn can help their congregations learn and grow in spiritual depth, in mission and in service.

Clergy Development Team 

There is a team of five Clergy Development Officers working together across the diocese. Each Clergy Development Officer (CDO) oversees both the Initial Ministerial Education for the Curates (IME) and Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) for the clergy in their own episcopal area. 

Please contact the CDO for your episcopal area with any queries about CMD or with requests for CMD grants. If there is a vacancy, please contact Steve Proudlove, Director of Ministry Formation and Development.

Ministerial Development Team                             

Revd Cat Thatcher

Director of Formation
Clergy Development Officer, Leeds area
The Revd Steve Proudlove

Revd Cat Thatcher

Ministerial Development Officer

Clergy Development Officer, Bradford area
Vacant from 01 February 2024
Contact Steve Proudove during vacancy

Ministerial Development Officer

Clergy Development Officer, Ripon area
The Revd Canon Marion Russell
01756 795625

Revd Cat Thatcher

Ministerial Development Officer, Wakefield area
The Venerable Canon Cat Thatcher
07902 102513

Stephen Kelly

Ministerial Development Office

Clergy Development Officer, Huddersfield area
The Revd Dr Sarah Farrimond
07943 738638

Stephen Kelly Ministerial Formation and Development Administrator
Shuna Hartley
0113 353 0232




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