CMD resources

Availability of CMD Courses, Retreats, Quiet Days and Resources

CMD Courses, Retreats and Quiet Days Update

An update is published 10-12 times per year.  The aim is to publish the update for a named month in the middle of the previous month e.g. the November issue will be published mid-October.  There may be a 2-month update over summer or Christmas / New Year seasons. The update is sent by email to all licensed clergy in Leeds Diocese via the Church of England database.

CMD Resources Update

A Resources Update is published 3-4 times per year, depending on whether there are any new resources to advertise.  The Resources Update includes: book reviews,  theological library Information, how to create a DLP account and clergy welfare information. The update is sent by email to all licensed clergy in Leeds Diocese via the Church of England database.

Diocesan Digital Learning Platform (The DLP)

The Diocese of Leeds has launched its own Digital Learning Platform (DLP). Becoming a member is quick and easy, giving you access to regular email updates on the areas of discipleship and ministry that interest you, access to training courses and events and much more. We hope that the DLP will enable you to flourish in your faith, learning, discipleship and ministry so that we can encourage one another in becoming confident Christians, in growing Churches, transforming our communities. You can visit and sign up to the DLP here - Digital Learning Platform

Library Access: The Holden Collection

Beautiful theological books from between 1546 and 1922 are available for clergy to borrow from the Holden Collection in the Brotherton library at the University of Leeds. The collection is still growing and includes hundreds of Old and New Testaments, biographies and devotional literature. Other topics include pastoral theology, Church history, public worship, liturgy and sacraments, non-Christian religions and aspects of Yorkshire's religious history. The collection, originally formed by George Holden, is the property of the Anglican Diocese of Leeds. The diocese, together with the regional Methodist church and the RC Diocese of Leeds provides grants to fund new purchases and the library is available to all clergy within the diocese.

Downloadable CMD Resource Documents 

Charities which can support clergy and their families


CMD Grants Explained

CMD Grant Application Form 2025 v2


Retreat Grants Explained

CMD Retreat Grant Application Form 2025 v2


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