Discharging the work of the DBE

In fulfilling the statutory and other obligations of the Board the DBE and its officers manage a broad range of work. This includes but is not limited to:


    • Regular DBE Board and committee meetings to comply with the DBE Measure
    • Setting of strategic plans, monitoring the DBE Five Year Strategy, annual operating plans and the DBE Risk Register
    • Monitoring and supporting the work of the DDE and the Diocesan Education Team in the discharging of the work of the DBE
    • Fulfilling the statutory responsibilities accorded to the Diocese in the Education Acts
    • Providing general updates and information to schools and governing bodies
    • Providing spiritual development and pastoral support to staff, governors and children in our schools
    • Meeting with key stakeholders on a regular basis


    • Approval of Foundation Governor appointments for maintained schools
    • Production and approval of governance guidance documentation for maintained schools and academies
    • Approval of Academy Trust Member, Director and local governor nominations


    • Monitoring Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) outcomes.
    • Monitoring Ofsted outcomes.

Quality of Education

    • Monitoring and reporting to DBE on the quality of education in each school and identifying vulnerable schools and potential interventions
    • Providing support to schools though the DBE’s service level agreement (the Enhanced Service Plan) and other training, courses and conferences.
    • Providing a named adviser for each church school

Religious Education

    • Production, monitoring, advice and training in relation to the Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education
    • Approval of nominations for representation on SACREs with input to Agreed Syllabus in the 9 LAs

Collective Worship

    • Production, monitoring, advice and training in relation to Collective Worship Guidelines

Admissions and Appeals

    • Providing advice and information to requests from the Office of the Schools’ Adjudicator / Local Ombudsman
    • Providing advice and information to own admission authority (voluntary aided schools and academies) consultations and compliance 
    • Discussion and awareness on issues arising from compliance with School Admissions Code and Appeals Code

Church School Status

    • Discussion and approval of Federations and collaborations
    • Discussion and approval of academy order requests and Church MAT home for each school
    • Discussion and approval of school closures

Buildings and premises

    • Compliance with DBE Measure
    • Management and disposal of closed school sites
    • Management of School Capital Allocation applications and monies for voluntary aided schools (£ms every year)
    • Management of Devolved Formula Capital monies for all schools (100s of £1000s every year)
    • Compliance with the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and Diocesan Net Zero 2030 Strategy


    • Setting and monitoring DBE annual budget
    • Managing and allocation of DBE restricted funds 
    • Managing and allocating local school trust endowment funds as operated by the DBE
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