What is Contactless Giving?
Contactless giving refers to donations made through a contactless donation device using either a bank or credit card or a smart device (e.g., Apple Pay or Google Pay).
Why Does My Church Need Contactless Giving?
The way we pay for things is changing. With card having overtaken cash as the preferred form of payment in society generally in 2017, we know that having the ability to accept contactless and online donations, otherwise known as digital donations, is a key mechanism for all churches to have available. Contactless and online giving are the best ways to collect donations and payments outside your regular planned giving schemes.
Contactless giving is particularly well-suited to receiving donations from one-off or occasional visitors, such as tourists or those attending life events such as weddings and baptisms. The average contactless donation is also typically three times higher than the average cash donation, and with fewer people carrying cash now many churches would benefit from having a contactless giving mechanism in place.
Case Studies
Below are some case studies from churches with contactless devices. These include great tips on how to maximise donations for your church, using contactless features.
Contactless Giving - St Wilfrid's Calverley
Contactless Giving - St Matthew's Chapel Allerton
Contactless Giving - St Andrew's Gargrave
Contactless Giving - St Michael the Archangel Kirkby-in-Malhamdale
Contactless Giving - Holy Trinity Low Moor
What do I Need to Consider?
When considering a contactless device for your church there are some important things to bear in mind:
- Does my church have a good internet connection or mobile signal?
- What budget do I have available?
- Do I want my contactless device to be portable or fixed in location?
To aid your decisions please read the Getting Started with Contactless Guide. Do also have a look at the contactless solutions on the Parish Buying website, but note that you will need to register/log in before you can access this page.
Get in touch with the Stewardship team to discuss digital giving, we can help answer your queries and help you decide on the right solution.
Campaign Templates
Use these templates on your CollecTin or Payaz contactless devices to create an eyecatching design on your giving campaigns.
These can be customised using the free graphic design tool Canva here. The new festive design is available to edit and download here. If you need any support with using Canva, get in touch with the Stewardship team at resourcingparishes@leeds.anglican.org, and have a read through the Canva Starter Pack.
Updates from the National Digital Giving Team:
The National Digital Giving Team produce regular newsletters with updates, resources and top tips for making the most out of your contactless devices and online giving pages. Have a read of the previous newsletters here: