Clergy conduct and guidelines

Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of Clergy

The primary aims of the guidelines are:

  • to ensure the welfare and the protection of individuals and groups with whom the clergy work;

  • to ensure the welfare and the protection of the clergy and of their families;

  • to encourage the clergy to aspire to the highest possible standard of conduct;

  • to provide safe and effective boundaries for clerical ministry;

  • to encourage personal and corporate ministerial development.

Please read the full guidelines here


Anti bullying and harassment

The Diocese aims to provide a working environment that is free from bullying and harrassment.  The Anti-bullying and Harrassment procedure explains the standards expected the procedure for those who feel that they have been the subject of bullying or harassing behaviour.
Anti - bullying procedure


Capability procedure

The purpose of the Capability procedure is primarily to support the officer holder in achieving the required standards of performance where their performance has fallen below expected standard.

This procedure will only be implemented when all other avenues of help and support have been exhausted.  The Diocese follows the national policy which can be be found below:

Capability procedure

Capability procedure supporting advice


Clergy Discipline

Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 applies to all clergy office holders. 
Comprehensive guidance is found here

Clergy Disciplinary Measure


Grievance procedure

Grievance should be resolved informally wherever possible, and we advise the mediation should be undertaken before a formal grievance is submitted.  It is recognised however, that there may be situations where a formal grievance is necessary. 
The Diocese will follow the national policy which can be found here Grievance Procedure  and Grievance procedure advice

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