Clergy Terms of Service

Please refer to Clergy terms of service  on the Church of England website

Role Descriptions are prepared by the Archdeacons

Statement of Particulars sets out the terms and conditions on which the appointment is to be made, and will include:

  • The details of the entitlement to stipend, fees, and reimbursement of expenses

  • Terms and conditions relating to rest periods and holidays (including annual holiday entitlement, Sundays on which leave may be taken, and the public and special leave days on which leave may not be taken)

  • Terms and conditions relating to sickness absence and long term absence

  • Pension provision

  • Statutory rights (including maternity, paternity, parental and adoption leave)

  • Right to time off to care for dependents

  • An itemised monthly stipend statement

  • Links to the processes, guidelines and policies which underpin the roles and responsibilities of clergy within the diocese

Hours of work

Rest periods

You are entitled to an uninterrupted rest period of 24 hours in each period of seven days.

Your weekly rest period may not be taken on

  • a Sunday;

  • Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday;

  • the Patronal Festival of the Benefice (if formally celebrated).

Annual leave
The leave year begins on 1 January.  The entitlement is 36 days annual leave in each leave year. Clergy will qualify for a proportional amount of leave in the year of commencement of your appointment according to the date of commencement and, similarly, in the year of departure.

Clergy are entitled to the following bank holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, May Day Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, August Bank Holiday and Boxing Day. 

Annual leave may not be taken on

  • more than 6 Sundays each year;

  • Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday;

  • the Patronal Festival of the Benefice (if formally celebrated).

You are entitled to time off in lieu for Good Friday and Christmas Day.

For stipendiary clergy, they will be paid as noted on their Statement of Particulars.

Stipendiary clergy receive their stipend by monthly instalments, which is paid into their bank account by the Church Commissioners, funded by the Diocese.  Income Tax and National Insurance contributions are deducted at source.

Curates are paid on a sliding scale, which is reviewed annually.

Incumbents’ stipends are also reviewed each year with effect from 1st April.  In the Diocese of Leeds, the basic stipend is normally more than the minimum recommended by the Central Stipends Authority.

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