Termination of appointment and retirement

If you wish to resign from office, three months’ written notice is required, although with agreement from the Diocesan Bishop, this may be varied in exceptional circumstances.

All stipendiary clergy should complete a deed of resignation acquired from the Registrar, complete and returned without delay to the Registrar, copying jill.marsh@leeds.anglican.org PA to the Diocesan Secretary and a letter should be sent to the Area Bishop and Diocesan Bishop.  Clergy leaving the diocese, or moving to a differently remunerated office, should complete the move notification form, which is available from the Property team at property@leeds.anglican.org.

All non-stipendiary clergy, or for posts that do not require completion a deed of resignation please write to the Diocesan Bishop and Area Bishop to confirm the details of your resignation and copy to jill.marsh@leeds.anglican.org PA to the Diocesan Secretary.

Offices held under Common Tenure may be terminated due to:

  • Resignation

  • Incapability, following a capability procedure

  • Following disciplinary proceedings  

  • Reaching retirement age

  • The post coming to an end because of a pastoral scheme

  • The appointment is for a term under Regulation 29


Appointments held under Regulation 29

Posts held under Common Tenure may only be fixed term (or time limited) if designated as one of the following:

  • The office holder occupies a post which is designated as a post created in order to cover an office holder’s authorised absence from work;

  • The office is designated as a training post;

  • The office is designated as a post subject to sponsorship funding;

  • The office is designated as a probationary office;

  • The office is created by a bishop’s mission order made under section 80 or 83 of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011;

  • The office holder holds a post which is designated as a post which is held in connection or conjunction with another office or employment;

  • The office holder does not have the right of abode, or unlimited leave to enter or remain, in the United Kingdom;

  • The office holder occupies a post which is designated as a Locally Supported Ministry Post;

  • The office is designated as an interim post.


Appointments subject to pastoral reorganisation under Regulation 30

Where the Mission and Pastoral Committee of the Diocese has invited the views of interested parties before submitting proposals to the Diocesan Bishop, the post may be designated under regulation 30 as an alternative to suspending presentation and appointing a priest in charge. The post would be held subject to pastoral reorganisation and a priest in charge may be appointed on a limited term basis – if the priest remains in post for over 5 years the post becomes permanent.



Please visit https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/pensions/clergy-pensions for helpful information regarding the clergy pension and examples of how benefits are calculated.

To claim your clergy pension you should contact the Pensions Board at the Church Commissioners who will arrange for the necessary paperwork to be completed, this is usually done via the pensions board online form https://pensions.churchofengland.org/

Clergy are also eligible for the State pension, which is paid in addition to the Church Commissioners’ pension.  Please visit the website for further information https://www.gov.uk/check-state-pension

Retirement Housing

The Church of England Pensions Board can offer various forms of assistance for clergy housing including

  • Shared ownership

  • Rental

  • Supported housing


The Pensions Board also has a number of residential and nursing homes for the use of retired clergy – details of which are available from the Pensions Board.


Death in Service 

If a member of the clergy dies in office, the relevant Bishop and Archdeacon should be informed.  A copy of the death certificate should be sent to jill.marsh@leeds.anglican.org PA to the Diocesan Secretary. 

Details of death in service benefits under the CEFPS can be found on the Church of England website.

Time will be given to ensure that a house which is appropriate to the spouse’s needs and resources can be found, but naturally the parish will need a new incumbent as soon as possible and so a move within three months would be the right timing for which to aim.

When registering a death, it is advisable to obtain multiple copies as various organisations and departments will require a copy.

The Clergy Support Trust may be able to offer financial assistance, and their website is https://www.clergysupport.org.uk/ where you can check eligibility.

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