Diocesan database and parish returns

Church of England Portal

The Church of England Portal allows access to several Anglican websites, accounts and systems with a single sign-on.  To create an account on the Portal, please follow this link, click ‘Register for an account’ and follow the subsequent instructions.

You will find access on the Portal to lots of useful resources including:

  • Diocesan Database (CMS) (see below)
  • Parish Returns (see below)
  • Parish Buying (procurement website)
  • A Church Near You
  • Parish Resources (resources to support stewardship, administration, and management in the local church)
  • Online Faculty System (DAC, for help with your church building)


Diocesan Database (CMS)

The Diocesan Database holds contact details for clergy, readers and staff within the Diocese, and details of all places and roles.  Access to the database is available to anyone who holds a role. 

Our Privacy Notice, governing storage and use of your contact details, is available here


Place Audit

The Place Audit is sent to parishes each year (via the diocesan database) to update our records of your parish officers after your APCM. It is sent to ‘lead clergy’, PCC secretaries and administrators (and anyone else on prior request), the e-mail link can be forwarded to one or more people in the parish to complete.  Further guidelines for completion are sent at the time but the information is essential to the Diocese for ensuring that we send the right things to the right people!

Parish Returns

Each year, we gather a Statistics for Mission return, a Financial Return and an Energy Footprint Return on behalf of the National Church.  This is done through the online Parish Returns system (accessible from the portal).  The Database Administrator will automatically add your details to the system, so that you receive information/reminders that will be sent when the returns need to be completed.


Annual information returns timetable

Below is a brief list of the information requests we make of parishes each year and when the deadlines are:


Sent Out

Deadline for Return

Parish Returns (Statistics for Mission)


end January

Articles of Enquiry (Archdeacons Questions)


end April

Parish Audit


end May

Articles of Enquiry (Reports and Accounts)


end May

Parish Returns (Finance)


end June

Electoral Roll Information


end May

Energy Footprint Return


end August

Contact Audit




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