Induction - conditions of appointment

Please find below information to enable you to achieve the conditions set out in your offer letter

DBS check - for enquiries relating to your DBS check please email:

1. Safeguarding Training
The required level of safeguarding training should be completed before licensing/induction.
The Diocese of Leeds is committed to promoting the best practice in all aspects of safeguarding work. Participation in safeguarding training is mandatory for anyone wishing to hold a bishop's licence or have permission to officiate; a careful record is maintained to ensure that training has taken place.
The training programme and details of courses can be found on the diocesan website on
To book or enquire: email

2. Leading your Church into Growth (LYCiG)
To be booked before the end of your first year in post.
All newly appointed clergy (apart from curates) are required to attend a LYCiG residential course, available at various locations during the year. This includes those who have previously been on a LYCiG course. LYCiG is a widely-respected resource for equipping confident clergy in the context of their current parish. The residential takes the form of an open seminar with interactive talks, practical exercises, workshops and time and space for personal reflection. Course sessions include: Becoming a mission church; Catholic evangelism; Establishing growth structures; Multi-parish benefices.
Clergy are encouraged to attend with lay members of your parish. The cost of clergy participation is covered by the Diocese. Parishes normally pay for lay participants.
To book: visit
On your application (for your own registration only), please enter ‘Invoice Leeds Diocese directly: please send to Shuna Hartley at'
Lay participants book separately. To discuss lay bursaries, please email Shuna Hartley before booking.

3. Racial Justice and Presence and Engagement
To be booked during the first year in post, on the earliest available course.
Newly appointed clergy must attend our three-part training on Racial Justice and Presence and Engagement (PandE), unless they’ve recently done so as a curate.
This consists of: a Training Day on Racial Justice; an ‘Area Visit’ to a PandE parish; and a choice from a selection of workshops. The national PandE initiative supports churches and schools with mission and ministry in a world of religious diversity. PandE is important for ministry wherever we live, given our wider social, national and global context.
To book contact Jenny Ramsden, Interfaith Adviser:

4. Rural Ministry Course
To be booked during the first year in post – if appointed to a rural post.
The Arthur Rank Centre’s two-day residential programme includes sessions on understanding rural contexts, mission and growth, leadership, farming and work with children and young people in the countryside.
To book, visit:
On your application, please enter ‘Invoice Leeds Diocese directly: please send to Shuna Hartley at'

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