2025 APCMs and APMs deadline
The deadline for holding 2025 APCMs and APMs is 31 May 2025.
Forms for APCMs
Resources for parishes including forms for Annual Parochial Church Meetings can be found on the Parish Resources website at this link: www.parishresources.org.uk/pccs/apcms
Forms for Returns after Annual Parochial Church Meetings
2025 Electoral Roll form - here
Return deadline: to the Secretary to the Diocesan Synod (elections@leeds.anglican.org) by no later than 01 July each year.
2023-26 Deanery Synod - Lay Representatives casual vacancy election return - 2023-26 Deanery Synod - lay casual vacancy election return form
Return deadline: to the Diocesan Electoral Registration Officer (elections@leeds.anglican.org) and Deanery Synod Secretary by no later than 01 July each year.
2022 Church Representation Rules
New Church Representation Rules came into force on 1st January 2020. These are an important tool for all those involved in parochial, diocesan and national Church governance. A helpful summary of the changes is attached below, or can be found at www.churchofengland.org/more/policy-and-thinking/church-representation-rules/church-representation-rules-online-introduction It presents an entirely new text of the Church Representation Rules, replacing the previous Rules established in 1969 and amended numerous times over the following fifty years. The new Rules aim to simplify local church governance and enable parishes to adapt the rules to best serve ministry and mission in their contexts. In addition, the new Rules are also designed:
- to be compliant with recent data protection legislation
- to provide for electronic communication
- to ensure better representation of mission initiatives in the Church’s structures
- to enable PCCs to do business by correspondence.
An electronic version of the full 2022 edition is available at Church Representation Rules online - contents | The Church of England
PCC Training
Resources for PCC training can be found on the Digital Learning Platform here
Church Warden Training events - 2025
We are hosting online training events for Churchwardens across the diocese.
20 February - 7pm - “Thinking of Becoming at Churchwarden” - an introductory session for those considering
becoming a churchwarden
9 July – 7pm Basic Churchwarden Training - for those who are new or inexperienced churchwardens
21 October - 7pm Topic based Training
Please contact the Archdeacon's PA for your episcopal area to book onto this training and to recieve the Zoom link.
- Bradford: carmel.dylak@leeds.anglican.org
- Huddersfield: christine.bleasdale@leeds.anglican.org
- Leeds: helen.allison@leeds.anglican.org
- Ripon: chloe.drummond@leeds.anglican.org
- Wakefield: heather.ricks@leeds.anglican.org
Heather Burge, Governance & Elections Lead and Diocesan Electoral Registration Officer, can be contacted with queries about APCMs, APMs and parish, deanery and diocesan elections. Please email: elections@leeds.anglican.org