Annual Visitations

Please find here information about the Annual Visitations of Archdeacons.

The order form for the Churchwarden's Yearbook 2025 can be found here.


Admission of Churchwardens

At the Visitations the Archdeacon will deliver a charge to the clergy and churchwardens.   

Churchwardens for the coming year will make their declarations at the Visitation Court prior to being admitted into office.

Those prevented from attending by illness or other cause should notify the Archdeacon or their PA in writing.

Whilst Readers, members of Parochial Church Councils and parish and diocesan officers are not cited to attend, they are warmly invited by the Archdeacons to do so.

The relevant documents will be sent out to clergy and current Church Wardens by the PAs to the Archdeacons.  However copies of these documents can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant link:

Citation covering letter  Archdeacon Citation Explanatory Notes  Church Warden Declaration form


Church Warden Training events

We are hosting online training events for Churchwardens across the diocese.

  • Basic training for new churchwardens: Thursday, July 11, 7pm - 9pm
  • Experienced training for churchwardens: Wednesday, October 16, 7pm - 9pm

Please contact the Archdeacon's PA for your episcopal area to book onto this training and to recieve the Zoom link.




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