Resources for my Church

Supporting you and your church to put your faith into action. Interested in a particular environmental issue for your church? Need more information. Browse our Church Environment Resources List or click on the links below. 


Our Worship

Teaching, preaching, Bible study materials, intercessions, worship resources through the church year and more. Find out more.


Our Church Building

A step by step guide to improving the envionmental credential of your church building. Find out more.


Our Churchyard

How can our churchyard be a place where creation flourishes, a space for worship and the community and more? Find out more.


Our Local and Global Community

Resources to help you be part of the bigger picture - going beyond the church gate. Find out more.


Green Journey: Church Energy Bills

Find out what the Geen Jouney Scheme can offer your church. Find out more.


Our Church Energy Audit

What is an energy audit and why should your church have one? Find out more.



Help with fundrasing for creation care projects. Find out more.


Our Lifestyles

How can we live out our Christian faith day by day and show our love for God's people and planet in our everyday actions? Find out more.


Our Church Magazine

Ready to print magazine articles for your pasish magazine or newsletter. Find out more.

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