
Your Church has exciting plans to play your part in caring for God’s creation, but where is the money going to come from?

Diocese Church Buildings Fund

This fund, which offers grants of up to £5,000 per parish is to support churches with maintaining and improving their church buildings as vital centres of worship, community and mission. It has been designed to particularly to reduce the environmental impact of churches. Details.

Give To Go Green - Match Funding for Carbon Reduction 

Applications Open Now!Give to Go Green Logo

Give To Go Green is a match-funding pilot project from the Church of England. In Round 1 eleven churches in the Dioceses of Leeds raised £57,000 for carbon cutting buildings projects, which were match funded by the national Net Zero Carbon Programme.

We are pleased that churches in the Diocese of Leeds are eligible for Round 2 of the project and application are now open. Closing date 5pm 28th July.

A wide range of decarbonisation projects are eligible from improvements for guttering, draft proofing to underpew heating and LED lighting. Through a targeted digital fundraising campaign, churches will be able to engage their community in building a sustainable future for their Church and the world around them.

Please read through the Project Pack first. This has all the key information about the project so read through this carefully to find out more about how the match funding will work, what kinds of projects are applicable, and whether your church is eligible. Then you can access the application form here. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Sunday the 28th of July. 

If you have any questions relating to the project, please contact, Beth Vickers at 

Lists of Funders - Explore the Options Money in hands

Environmental and sustainability projects take many forms. Some funders have particular interests and/or fund in a very restricted area. Others are much more generalists. These two Dicoese of Leeds funding lists provide potential funders from both national funds and those that fund with in the diocesan area.

Funding Directory- Environment and Sustainability Download 

Funding Directory - Net Zero Carbon Projects Download

Find out more about funding enviornmental projects on the Church of England Envionment Programme webpages here

Tools for Funding Success

A strong case for support is the inspiration and the backbone for your fundraising appeal. You don’t want to waste time and energy on funding campaigns or applications that are unsuccessful. Read our guidance and use the template case for support:
Guidance: Your Net-zero Carbon Appeal Needs a Case for Support!
Template: Case for Support for Churches

Planning & Delivering Your Net Zero Carbon Fundraising AppealCarbon Reduction

Got great ideas for carbon cutting lighting or heating projects or just simply insulating your church pipework? Now you need funding advice? The webinar below is part of the Diocese of Leeds Saving Creation programme. It is designed to support parishes who have started on their journey to net zero carbon, have a net zero plan and are thinking about how to fund the projects needed to decarbonise your buildings. The Diocese of Leeds recognises that for many churches finding the funding to put into action a heating or lighting project to cut the carbon footprint can be the most challenging part of the net zero carbon journey.

In this webinar you will find out from Sean Tully, consultant from Action Planning, how to plan and deliver your Net Zero Carbon fundraising appeal:

  • How to express the benefits of your project?
  • Where to look for funding?
  • How to plan and deliver your fundraising appeal?

Upskill Yourself

For a comprehensive overview of how to raise funds for an environmental project watch the two Church of England Environment Campaign webinars on environmental fundraising which are part of the Getting to Net Zero webinar series.

Seek Advice

The Diocesan Stewardship and Income Generation team can help in a number of ways. Visit their pages to meet the team and view their resources here.

The DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee) can provide advice and information on applying for a faculty for development work in churches. 

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