Fresh starts | Simone Bennett | September 2024

As summer draws towards a close, so our new school year begins. This is a time of fresh starts, the simple pleasure of a new exercise or notebook, new pupils and staff and the anticipation of what lies ahead.

Every new school year is a time of opportunity. A time for new goals, new roles and personal and professional growth. Lamentations 3 reminds us, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Trusting in God, each other and ourselves can bring us the wisdom, courage and joy we so often need day to day.

In school, we do not journey alone. We are part of the wider diocese and the family of church schools. Over the Summer I visited an ancient church. On the wall was the outline of a cross, long since removed and yet the outline remained. Similarly, each Headteacher and leader serves as a gatekeeper for a time. They, along with every staff member, governor, pupil and family leave their mark. Each one contributes something unique, enriching the lives of our schools and communities for everyone.

So, whether returning or starting out with us for the first time, welcome back. Wherever you are on your faith and education journey, on behalf of myself, the education team and the Diocesan Board of Education, thank you for all you are and will bring this academic year. Thank you for all you will sacrifice and all you will share as you create the next chapter of your school.

One thing is certain, there will be moments of joy and triumph, disappointment and struggle. We are here for you. We offer you our on-going support, encouragement and love as you navigate your role with purpose, kindness and integrity.

As you shine and share the light of Christ in every classroom and with every member of your school community, may this year be a manageable one - one where you can fully flourish.

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