Diocesan Synod documents

Here are key documents and pieces of information that relate to Synod.


Diocesan Synod Dates

Diocesan Synod meeting dates:


Standing Orders

Diocesan Synod Standing Orders


Draft Minutes

If you want to know what happened at past Synods, you can find that information here in the draft minutes.

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 19.10.2024

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 15.6.2024

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 16.3.2024

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 14.10.2023

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 15.7.2023

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 18.3.2023

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 15.10.2022

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 18.06.2022

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 12.03.2022

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 16.10.2021

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 12.06.2021

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 13.03.2021

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 14.11.2020

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 26.09.2020

Diocesan Synod draft minutes 19.10.2019



Synod Officers and Contact Information

President of the Diocesan Synod: The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds

Chair of the House of Clergy: The Revd Canon Rachel Firth

Chair of the House of Laity: Canon Matthew Ambler

Diocesan Registrar: David Whitaker

Secretary to the Diocesan Synod: Jonathan Wood

If you have any questions or comments about Synod, please contact our Governance & Elections Lead and Diocesan Electoral Registration Officer, Heather Burge: heather.burge@leeds.anglican.org

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