Current House of Laity members, elected in 2021
Mr David Ashton MBE
Canon Mrs Jane Evans
Canon Professor Joyce Hill
Mr Stephen Hogg
Dr Richard Mantle OBE
Mrs Catherine Stephenson
Dr Diana Tremayne
Current Proctors in Convocation, elected in 2021
The Venerable Paul Ayers
The Revd Canon Paul Cartwright
The Revd Canon Rachel Firth
The Revd Canon Joyce Jones
The Revd Gary Waddington
Current House of Laity member, elected in 2024
Mrs Judith Osborne
Current Proctors in Convocation, elected in 2024
The Revd Millie Cork
The Revd Catherine Shelley
Breakdown of the results
2021 Ordinary Elections
Diocese of Leeds GS Election of Members of the House of Laity results - Excel version
Diocese of Leeds GSElection of Members of the House of Laity results - Word version
Diocese of Leeds GSElection of Proctors in Convocation results - Excel version
Diocese of Leeds GSElection of Proctors in Convocation results - Word version
2023 Casual Vacancy election for 1 x Proctor in Convocation
GS2023 Form of result casual vacancy - 1 x Proctor in Convocation
Diocese of Leeds GS casual vacancy election of 1 x Proctor in Convocation - Word version
Diocese of Leeds GS casual vacancy election of 1 x Proctor in Convocation - Excel version
2023-24 Casual Vacancy election for 1 x member of House of Laity
GS2023-24 Form of result House of Laity cv election 1 member
Diocese of Leeds GS cv election of 1 x member of House of Laity EXCEL version
Diocese of Leeds GS cv election of 1 x member of House of Laity WORD version
2024 Casual Vacancy election for 2 x Proctors in Convocation
GS2024 Form of result casual vacancy - 2 x Proctors in Convocation
Diocese of Leeds GS cv election of 2 x Proctors in Convocation WORD version
Diocese of Leeds GS cv election of 2 x Proctors in Convocation EXCEL version
General Synod
- The current General Synod's five years term began in November 2021. Further information about General Synod is available on the General Synod website.
- The Diocese of Leeds has been allocated 9 Proctors in Convocation places and 8 House of Laity places.
- For general information about General Synod elections please follow the link to the General Synod's elections page here or for the Diocese of Leeds' General Synod elections information contact
General Synod members' expenses
Information about the Diocese of Leeds General Synod members' expenses policy and how to submit an expenses claim is available here: General Synod members travel & subsistence expenses policy (09-24)