Our Partners

Our diocese has partnerships with various organisations. These include our Overseas Links with the likes of Sri Lanka, Sudan and Tanzania. Find out more about these partnerships by clicking on the links below.



Cursillo is a movement of the Church, providing a method which empowers Christians to grow through prayer, study and action and enables them to share God’s love with everyone. Find out more.


Mothers' Union

Mothers’ Union is a worldwide Christian charity with over 4 million members in 83 countries, bringing support for family life to the heart of communities through praying, campaigning and enabling. Find out more.

Sri Lanka Overseas Links

Overseas Links

Every diocese in the Church of England has one or more links with a diocese in another part of the Anglican Communion. Find out more.


Wellsprings Together

At the heart of our strategy lies “Transforming Communities”, and parishes are engaged in this work from food banks, community cafes, Places of Welcome and more. Find out more.

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