Diocese of Leeds Safeguarding Training Courses

The following safeguarding training courses are delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Training Team.

For information about each course and how to make a booking, please, click on the links below. 



Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction Training 

Permission to Officiate Pathway 


Leadership (Clergy and LLMs)

Leadership is delivered via Zoom in two 90-minute sessions, a few weeks apart. In addition to the Zoom sessions, delegates will undertake independent learning exercises pre and post delivery which must be completed to pass the course.

Course content: 

  • Connect the Church's mission and theological foundations with what good leadership behaviour looks like in a safeguarding context.
  • Evaluate aspects of your leadership practice and identify changes required which they then take forward with confidence.
  • Analyse what healthy Christian communities look like, how healthy communities keep people safe and their role as leaders in shaping Christian communities that are healthy and safe.
  • Reflect on the impact that abuse and trauma have on individuals' lives, relationships, and interactions in a community setting.
  • Integrate your faith, beliefs, and values with those underpinning good safeguarding behaviours

How to book: 

Booking for Leadership training is done by e-mailing the team on safeguardingtraining@leeds.anglican.org

Preparing for the first Zoom session: 

  • For more information about using Zoom click here 
  • Basic and Foundation is pre-requisite training for Leadership
  • In preparation you will receive a Leadership Handbook. Please, read your handbook and complete the pre-attendance exercises by the date stipulated.
  • If the training team do not receive your Handbook submission by the stipulated deadline, you will be removed from the course and be asked to re-book. 
  • A Zoom link will be sent by email a few days before the first session.
  • If you have any accessibility needs that you think the trainer should know about please, contact the Training Team.
  • If you have any concerns about attending training and would like to discuss this please email the team and a trainer will contact you. 

Attending Zoom sessions: 

  • Please, ensure that you are in a quiet, private space. 
  • A virtual waiting room will be open 15 minutes before the start time.
  • You will need to access Zoom using a device that has a camera, speaker and microphone.
  • Each Zoom session is 90 minutes in duration.
  • It is important that you attend the entire session. People are free to leave the session for short periods (e.g., for comfort breaks) but should a delegate be missing from the session for a significant period they could be asked to re-book/re-attend.
  • Please, have your Handbook and a pen to hand.
  • Your Zoom sessions will be a mix of group discussion and trainer-led delivery.
  • Leadership training is interactive. People get the most from training when they actively participate. Trainers will never ‘put people on the spot’ but delegates are expected to demonstrate meaningful engagement.
  • Leadership-level training covers some challenging aspects of safeguarding practice. Your trainers are committed to trauma-informed training delivery. You can contact your trainer(s) during the session via the private chat function if you require support.
  • One or both of your trainers will be available after the session ends.
  • Leadership training is delivered to small groups, with a focus on interaction and participation. Your trainers will do everything they can to ensure they provide a warm, welcoming and inclusive space to learn together.

Completing your training after the final Zoom session:

  • Delegates are asked to complete post-training coursework in the six weeks that follow the final Zoom session.
  • Leadership training is not complete until post-training coursework has been submitted to the trainers.
  • Important: Please note, delegates will not be issued certificates nor will their diocesan training records be updated to reflect completion of Leadership until coursework has been submitted, reviewed and signed off.
  • The date coursework is submitted will be the completion date recorded on certificates and training records.
  • Failure to submit post-training coursework may result in the delegate being asked to re-attend Leadership training.
  • Please, note your certificate may also be withheld if your pre-requisite training has not been completed.


Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) Induction Training

PSO Induction training is delivered by Zoom or in-person (at Church House, in Leeds) in a single 3-hour session, led by Diocesan Safeguarding Trainers. It is an informal and welcoming training session. Alongside learning about the important elements of parish safeguarding the session doubles as a great way to meet fellow PSOs and share ideas and experiences.

Course content:

  • Understanding the role, responsibilities and working relationships of the PSO, including the Local Authority.
  • Exploring approaches to raising awareness and improving safeguarding practice.
  • Evaluating safeguarding information reported by members of the church or community and determining an appropriate response.
  • Learning how tools such as Safeguarding Dashboard can support parish safeguarding
  • Creating a development plan for local ministry to support the development of safeguarding practice in their context.


How to book: 

Booking for PSO Induction training is done by e-mailing the team on safeguardingtraining@leeds.anglican.org.

Preparing for the induction session: 

  • Ensure that your self-directed training is up to date (Basic, Foundations, Safer Recruitment and Raining Awareness of Domestic Abuse)
  • Soon after your place is confirmed you will receive a PSO Induction Handbook. Please, read your handbook and do your best to complete any pre-attendance exercises before the session.
  • Please, have your handbook with you for your training session.
  • A Zoom link (if you have booked a Zoom session) will be sent by email a few days before the session.
  • If you have any accessibility needs that you think the trainer should know about please, contact the training team.
  • If you have any concerns about attending training and would like to discuss this please email the team and a trainer will contact you.


Attending PSO Induction training on Zoom: 

  • For more information about using Zoom click here 
  • Please, ensure that you are in a quiet, private space. 
  • A virtual waiting room will be open 15 minutes before the start time.
  • You will need to access Zoom using a device that has a camera, speaker and microphone.
  • The duration of PSO Induction training is 3 hours – including comfort breaks.
  • It is important that you attend the entire session. People are free to leave the session for short periods (e.g., for comfort breaks) but should a delegate be missing from the session for a significant period they could be asked to re-book/re-attend.
  • Please, have your Handbook and a pen to hand.
  • Your Zoom sessions will be a mix of group discussion and trainer-led delivery.
  • PSO Induction training is interactive. People get the most from training when they actively participate. Trainers will never ‘put people on the spot’ but delegates are expected to demonstrate meaningful engagement.
  • One or both of your trainers will be available after the session ends.
  • PSO Induction training is designed to give PSOs an opportunity to not only learn about parish safeguarding but also to meet with other PSOs and members of the diocesan safeguarding team.  Your trainers will do everything they can to ensure they provide a warm, welcoming and inclusive space to learn together.

Attending PSO Induction training in person:

  • Information about attending in-person sessions at Church House is to delegates when they book via Eventbrite.
  • Training sessions are held in a ground-floor event space
  • Refreshments are available, as is a kitchen and eating area
  • Car parking is available (subject to demand). To book a space, please, email the training team
  • Church House is located a short walk from Leeds train station in the centre of Leeds. Click here to view a map
  • PSOs attending Induction Training at Church House may also have the opportunity to attend optional supplementary workshops. Please, check Eventbrite for availability.


  • Certificates are issued on the day at in-person events and within a week of Zoom sessions.

Permission to Officiate (PtO) Pathway Safeguarding Training

PtO Pathway training is delivered by Zoom or in-person (at Church House, in Leeds) in a single 3-hour session, led by Diocesan Safeguarding Trainers. The course is suitable for anyone with PtO.

Course content: 

  • Connect the Church's mission and theological foundations with what good safeguarding looks like 
  • Evaluate aspects of your practice and identify changes required which they then take forward with confidence.
  • Analyse what healthy Christian communities look like, how healthy communities keep people safe and your role as leaders in shaping Christian communities that are healthy and safe.
  • Integrate your faith, beliefs, and values with those underpinning good safeguarding behaviours.
  • Explore safeguarding within the context of PtO ministry.


How to book: 

Booking for PTO Pathway Safeguarding Training is done by e-mailing the team on safeguardingtraining@leeds.anglican.org.

Preparing for the training session: 

  • Completion/renewal of Basic and Foundation level training is a pre-requisite for PtO Pathway completion. Please, ensure your prerequisite training is in date (completed within the last 3 years) or complete them before attending the PtO Pathway session. For guidance about how to access prerequisite training please, click here If you require further support, please, contact the training team.
  • You will receive a PtO Pathway Handbook. Please, read your handbook and do your best to complete the pre-attendance exercises before the session.
  • Please, have your handbook with you for your training session.
  • A Zoom link (if you have booked a Zoom session) will be sent by email a few days before the session.
  • If you have any accessibility needs that you think the trainer should know about please, contact the training team.
  • If you have any concerns about attending training and would like to discuss this please email the team and a trainer will contact you.

Attending PtO Pathway training on Zoom: 

  • For guidance on using Zoom click here 
  • Please, ensure that you are in a quiet, private space. 
  • A virtual waiting room will be open 15 minutes before the start time.
  • You will need to access Zoom using a device that has a camera, speaker and microphone.
  • The duration of PSO Induction training is 3 hours – comfort breaks are included.
  • It is important that you attend the entire session. People are free to leave the session for short periods (e.g., for comfort breaks) but should a delegate be missing from the session for a significant period they could be asked to re-book/re-attend.
  • Please, have your Handbook and a pen to hand.
  • Your Zoom sessions will be a mix of group discussion and trainer-led delivery.
  • PtO Pathway training is interactive. People get the most from training when they actively participate. Trainers will never ‘put people on the spot’ but delegates are expected to demonstrate meaningful engagement.
  • One or both of your trainers will be available after the session ends.
  • Your trainers will do everything they can to ensure they provide a warm, welcoming and inclusive space to learn together.

Attending PtO Pathway in person:

  • A full schedule and detailed information about attending in-person sessions at Church House is sent to delegates when their place is reserved.   
  • Training sessions are held in a ground floor, accessible, event space.
  • Refreshments are available throughout, as is a kitchen and eating area
  • A hearing loop is available.
  • Car parking is available (subject to demand). To book a space, please, email the training team
  • Church House is located a short walk from Leeds train station in the centre of Leeds. Click here to view a map


  • Delegates are asked to complete post-training reflection in the six weeks that follow the session.
  • The training is not complete until the reflection has been submitted to the trainers.
  • Important: Please note, delegates will not be issued certificates nor will their diocesan training records be updated to reflect completion of PtO pathway until the reflection has been submitted, reviewed and signed off.
  • The date the reflection is submitted will be the completion date recorded on certificates and training records.
  • Failure to submit post-training reflection may result in the delegate being asked to re-attend training.
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