Welcome to the Huddersfield Episcopal Area section. This is where we pull together all the content on the site - such as news stories, contact details and vacancies - that are to do with Huddersfield.
Click on the menu headings to browse pages about this Episcopal Area. And don't forget that if you have any relevant news stories contact the Communications team via enews@leeds.anglican.org
Who's Who in Huddersfield
Rt Revd Smitha Prasadam |
Venerable Bill Braviner |
Revd Julie Anderson |
Revd Hugh Baker |
Revd Canon Rachel Firth |
Revd Robb Sutherland |
Revd Canon James Allison |
Christine Bleasdale |
In vacancy |
Ian Grange |
Andy Mattacks |
Huddersfield Area Newsletter
Huddersfield Area Newsletter - HEAR - Edition 1 Spring 2023
Huddersfield Area Newsletter - HEAR - Edition 2 Winter 2023
Huddersfield Area Newsletter - HEAR - Edition 3 Easter 2024
Huddersfield Area Newsletter - HEAR - Edition 4 Spring 2025
Huddersfield Area Map
Click on the image to download your own copy, or browse the other maps of the new diocese here.
Christmas at Halifax Minster
A video of the BBC's Christmas service 2024, which was held at Halifax Minster, can be seen below.
Taize Pilgrimage - July 19 to July 27
Bishop Smitha is leading a Pilgrimage to Taize from July 19 to July 27 for young people and adults from the Diocese of Leeds, Diocese of York and the wider Northern Province. Taize is an inspirational pilgrimage of trust, gathering people from all over the world. Find out more here.
Archdeacon's Visitation
Dates to come. At the Visitations the Archdeacon will deliver a charge to the clergy and churchwardens. Churchwardens for the coming year will make their declarations at the Visitation Court prior to being admitted into office. Those prevented from attending by illness or other cause should notify the Registrar in writing. Whilst Readers, members of Parochial Church Councils and parish and diocesan officers are not cited to attend, they are warmly invited by the Archdeacons to do so.