Caring for God's Creation

Welcome to Diocese of Leeds Environment pages. 

Caring for creation is an essential part of Christian ministry and mission.

Find out more about how we can all be part of Christ’s restoration work for creation on these pages.

Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. Mark 16:15


Diocese of Leeds Environmental Policy Statement

Our diocesan environmental policy statement may be read here.


Getting Started

New to caring for God's creation? Find out how to get stated on your church's eco journey. Find out more.


Saving Creation: Carbon Net Zero Church

Find out how and why your church can be carbon net zero. Follow the Six Steps to Net Zero Church Toolkit. Find out more.


Eco Church Awards

Celebrate your church sucesses by joining the Eco Church Award scheme. Tips on how to get started. Find out more.


Resources for my Church

Look here for a treasure trove of help. Greening your church ministry and mission. Find out more.


News, Events and Training

Read God's Green Fingers newsletter. Find opportunites to upskill for this time of cliamte and ecological emergency. Join our Eco Conversations. Find out more.


Need Support?

Meet the team of Area Envionment Champions and Advisors who are here to help. Find out more.

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