Treasurer Forum

Based on feedback from across the Diocese, we have launched our Treasurer Forum in 2024. 

This regular online forum will feature informative talks from Diocesan staff and our treasurer ambassadors, along with a Q&A session and networking opportunities with fellow treasurers.

Past Forum meetings

Thank you to all who attended the first Treasurer Forum session on Monday 10th June. More than 50 treasurers attended this online event, including two of our Treasurer Ambassadors. Slides from the meeting can be viewed here.

Next Forum meeting

Our next meeting will be in September, the date and time will be announced closer to the time and Treasurers will receive an invite via email, please feel free to forward the invite to anyone else who may benefit from the forum. If you'd like to present anything at future meetings please contact us.

Get involved

During the first Treasurer Forum session we invited treasurers to contact us if they would like to act as Treasurer Ambassadors for the Diocese and offer support to help guide new treasurers in their role. We are also keen to hear from treasurers who would like to help us develop a Buddy System for treasurers in the Diocese. If you are interested in either opportunity please email us at:

For links to resources please visit 

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