Monthly reflections

Find here reflections written by bishops, members of clergy and laity from across our diocese. Many of these reflections are produced for Leeds Diocesan News, which is released the first Friday of every month.

The head that wears the crown | Bishop Nick | May 2023

Shakespeare puts it perfectly: “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” (Henry IV, Part 2, 3.1.31) Or, perhaps, uneasy should lie the head that wears a crown?

Actions speak louder than words | Ian Grange | April 2023

“In the spring-time seed is sown … Spring is hope”. Words from the pen of a great English lyricist and wit W S Gilbert. In the novel Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy writes "Spring is the time of plans and projects." These two very different writers encapsulate for me perennial truths about this time of year.

Limping Towards the Sunrise | Bishop Nick | April 2023

The key to Easter is to journey to and live through it as if we didn’t know the outcome. This way we walk with those caught up in those terrifying and bewildering events of two thousand years ago.

Flying and Falling | Revd Sam Crook | March 2023

Unlike for Icarus, God is there to catch us, to strengthen our wings and increase our resolve. By his love we are transformed little by little into creatures that can fly further and faster, buoyed up by the winds of the Spirit and the healing touch of God.

Lent reminds us of God’s great love | Bishop Tony | March 2023

When Jesus died on the cross, that was the full and dramatic display of God’s own love. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

Aspire to new habits this Lent | Revd Robb Sutherland | February 2023

Walking through the wilderness of recent years has taught me that it is very easy to “fall out of the habit”. For many of us, there are aspects of the life of our churches that have simply not returned. Some people have taken the opportunity to reassess their church roles and step back...

Racial Justice Sunday | Bishop Arun | February 2023

It was something of a reality check to discover that most, if not all, of those currently enrolled as diocesan interns and ministry experience volunteers were unaware of the name of Stephen Lawrence. This year marks 30 years since Stephen’s murder...

The Lord is our help forever | Revd Mike Coe | January 2023

What’s in your personal ‘review of 2022’? There will be highlights - memorable holidays, time with family and friends, weddings, new arrivals. But there will be lowlights as well - bereavements, health issues, broken relationships, financial worries, global concerns...

Find joy in wholehearted commitment | Bishop Toby | January 2023

Firstly, may I wish you all the very best for 2023 and hope that Advent and Christmas provided time for meaningful reflection and also joyful celebrations for you, your families and friends...

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