Clergy Induction

We hope that you have a good experience as you start your new post.

The information contained on these pages has been produced with the intention of providing advice and guidance on a range of practical issues regarding your ministry, and informing you about the support and services available within the Diocese.

Our bishops, and archdeacons, and the team at Church House Leeds are available to provide help and support to you and would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have.

On behalf of the Diocesan Bishop’s Staff Team and the Diocesan Board of Finance, we trust that you will enjoy your ministry in the Diocese of Leeds.

Induction - conditions of appointment

Information received at your formal offer stage.


Moving house and grants

Information regarding grants and removals.


Statement of particulars

Information on the Statement of Particulars, which sets out the terms and conditions on which an appointment is made.


Clergy pay

Please see this section regarding pay.

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Your new diocesan email account

Find out more about your diocesan email account here.


Diocesan database and parish returns

Information for accessing the database and parish returns.


Guidance for Professional Conduct

Please find our guidance here.


Digital Learning platform

Our Digital Learning Platform (DLP) provides online access to learning for people in the Diocese of Leeds, inviting clergy and lay people to take responsibility for their own discipleship, learning and growth.

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