Archdeacon Bev to be new Bishop of Warrington

Downing Street has announced that the next Bishop of Warrington will be the Venerable Beverley Mason, our Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven.


Bev will minister alongside the Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool, as one of the "chief pastors" of the Diocese of Liverpool.


Bev was introduced her new diocese by Bishop Paul yesterday and following today's public announcement she will celebrate the work of the NHS at Warrington Hospital before heading to a lunch club in St Helens which supports asylum seekers in the local community.


The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Anglican Bishop of Leeds said: “I am delighted at the appointment of Bev Mason as the next Bishop of Warrington. 


"Although sorry to be losing her from this diocese, she will bring to her new role great experience and a wide range of gifts.


"Liverpool will find her hungry to learn, an inspiration to Christian discipleship, and with a sense of humour Scousers and all in the region will love.”

Speaking of her new role, Bev said: "This is the start of what I feel is a dream that God has called me to.


"I want to devote my energies and ministry to supporting and encouraging church leaders across our diocese to continue to make a bigger difference in their community.


"My time in the Diocese of Leeds has been both joyful and fulfilling, surrounded by wonderful people firstly at All Saints', Bingley and then in the Ripon Episcopal Area and I wish to thank everyone for their generous love and support."


A former stockbroker, Bev was born into a military family growing up with her three brothers moving from base to base, Her life took a dramatic turn on a backpacking gap year in 1994 when she came to faith.


That led to her becoming a humanitarian aid worker before discerning a vocation to ordained ministry. During this time she also discerned a call to singleness. Bev has served in a number of roles in a variety of places before being called to be Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven.

Bishop Paul Bayes said: “Today marks a new era in our diocese. I am delighted that Archdeacon Bev has responded to the call to serve as the next Bishop of Warrington.

"Bishops are called to lead the Church in holiness, in mission and in worship, and I know that Bev is richly equipped to do all these things among us.

"She will enrich the life of the Diocese and she will help us grow and flourish as we continue on the road we have chosen, asking God for a bigger church to make a bigger difference. She is committed to her own discipleship and I know that, together with each one of us, she will follow our Rule of Life: "called to Pray, Read and Learn, and sent to Tell, Serve and Give". 

"Bev will help us look outwards into a community that is dreaming of a brighter future and seeking a way that this can be brought into the world. She will  be a tremendous asset and encouragement to others as we seek to be disciples together. I pray for her as she prepares to move into this exciting ministry.”

Archdeacon Bev, pictured right with Bishop Paul, said “I join the Diocese of Liverpool at a crucial time for church and society. We live in a world full of uncertainties and with acts of violence; many are anxious and fearful, but one where so many are able to dream of a better world, hope for a better future. So many of these are driven by a strong spiritual connection to a God they might not know. The church has a challenge to make that God real.

"I am deeply attracted to this diocese with a strong vision to ask God for a bigger church to make a bigger difference with more people knowing Jesus and more justice in the world. I want to take my place in a movement of people with a clear idea of how to make the changes, through bringing a friend to worship and doing ten things that help others to know what it is like to be a disciple of Jesus.
"Today I will be seeing examples of that in action, in places that exists outside of the walls of a church building. I am looking forward to meeting a range of Christian leaders in different contexts working hard to love and serve their communities."

The Bishop of Warrington works with and supports the Bishop of Liverpool in leading the church in the diocese of Liverpool.  They take their title from the Cheshire town of Warrington although their role encompasses the entire Diocese. Traditionally the Bishop of Warrington has taken a strong lead in supporting vocational ministry in all its forms, and our new Bishop will continue this work. The bishop’s role has a strong emphasis on encouraging Christian leadership.

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