Christian summer camp brings young people together

Young people from across the diocese and beyond have been having fun learning more about Jesus and how the Old Testament points to him, thanks to one of our churches in the Bradford area.

A two-day CPAS Venture experience has been run recently at All Saints in Ilkley, after the week-long residential Venture run by the same leadership team had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.

Some 15 young people gathered at the church to worship and have fun together, with music, talks, activities and more run across the two days.

The activities included a ‘Silly Olympics’, where young people and leaders took part in a variety of events including straw javelin, cotton wool shot put, paper plate discus throw, and the crab walk 40m.

The young people also heard talks about different parts of the story of Jesus, and how the Old Testament helps to point and speak into that story.

Jack Bacon, one of the leaders on the Venture, said: “It was great to be able to gather in person for a couple of days and laugh and have fun together, while also learning more about Jesus.

“After we had to cancel this year’s week-long residential, we knew we wanted to put something on for our young people, and All Saints were so great, immediately offering the church as the venue.

“I think we all had a great time – one big hit proved to be a 1000-piece jigsaw we had out for people to work on during the day, and I was amazed at how into in everyone got!

“It was so nice to all be together again – the Venture has a real family feel, and it was nice to recreate that in some way this year.

“Hopefully next year we can get away for a full week again, with the people we had this year and hopefully some new faces too!”

Ventures are holidays that offer children and young people the opportunity to make friends, take part in activities and explore life with Jesus. 

They are run by CPAS, an Anglican evangelical mission agency that supports churches, church leaders and more across the country.

To find out more about the Venture led by people from All Saints Ilkley, please click here.

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