As COP26 continues, the diocese wants to help people engage with the environment with the announcement of the 2022 programme for the Leeds Diocesan Eco Book Group.
Organiser Christine Jack has written about what the group’s goals are, and what kind of books they read, to encourage people who might be interested to join.
Christine says: “This is a book group which has at its heart the interconnectedness of humans with our environment.
“It is a study of the relationship between the environment and the major concerns of our society today, yet mindful of its’ historical context.
“Topics include loss of species, climate, urban development, rural dilemma; animal, insect, and bird themes – all wrapped in an essential celebration of nature and the world in which we live.
“Through reading, we can connect with our planet by putting the natural world – its celebration, its care, its rescue – into our thoughts, we can place it firmly in our minds.
“For those with serious environmental concerns, it would be one step at least.
“Alongside a sound basis for understanding today’s joys and problems, fiction expands our imagination, speculative fiction makes us think ‘what if?’
“Can we move from a provider- consumer relationship to one of recognised interdependence, interconnectivity?
“We need each other and shared visions for the future.”
To sign up for the Book Group, and to find out about the 2022 programme, please click here.