\'Refuel\' for children goes on the road

Refuel, the event for junior aged children across Leeds, will be going on the road for the first time this month. Previously children from churches across the city have gathered in the city centre for an afternoon of fun, activities games and worship. But the new format will take Refuel to more outlying churches so that children who've not been to a Refuel event before can, more easily, be brought along to experience the excitement of Refuel.

The first Refuel road-show will take place on Saturday 21 June, 3-5pm at St Mary’s Hawksworth Wood,  LS5 3QE. 

Church children’s leaders are also encouraged to come along with children from their church to discover new resources and ideas to take back to their churches.

There is more information fon the Refuel website, http://www.refuelleeds.org.uk/ and from  Anne Carter  -  Children and Young People's Development Worker for Diocese of West Yorkshire & the Dales



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