Team Leeds heads to new session of General Synod

The Diocese of Leeds’ team of newly-elected General Synod representatives have made the trip down to London to join the beginning of a new Synod session.

General Synod is the national assembly of the Church of England, considering and approving legislation that affects the whole Church, formulating new forms of worship, debating matters of national and international importance, and approving the annual budget for the work of the Church at national level.

The new Synod began with a service at Westminster Abbey, with Prince Edward delivering an address on behalf of the Queen. 

The Synod session began its important work looking at motions covering topics including diocesan finances, the 2022 budget and safeguarding, led by the Rt Revd Jonathan Gibbs, Bishop of Huddersfield and the Church of England’s lead bishop on safeguarding.

Jane Evans, serving in the House of Laity for our diocese, said: “There's an exciting and wide-ranging programme of work ahead and I'm looking forward to working with colleagues from all over the country as we strive to ensure the Church of England is seen as relevant, welcoming and an exciting place from which to worship God."

The diocese was also pleased to move a motion at this Synod on the wealth gap.

The Revd Canon Paul Cartwright, Priest-in-Charge of The Priory Benefice in our diocese, moved the motion, looking to tackle the widening inequality between the richest and poorest in our society.

In his speech Revd Paul called on the church to be the “voice which speaks about the injustice of such a wealth gap, a gap that leads to reduced opportunity for so many in our country.  

“We can be the mirror which shows moral injustice to those who care to look into it.”

To read more about our motion, please click here.

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