Priest in Charge (0.5)Toller Lane St Chad

St Chad’s is an Anglican Catholic inner city parish with a predominantly Asian Muslim population, and (according to Church Urban Fund statistics) is one of the top 1% most deprived in England.  Nearly 90% of the population are of global majority heritage and nearly 40% of adults have no qualifications.  The rates of pensioner poverty are also amongst the highest in the Diocese of Leeds.

The Diocese of Leeds is committed to retaining an engaged presence in such challenging contexts.  We are also committed to ensuring that a flourishing, viable and welcoming ecclesial presence in the Catholic tradition of the Anglican church continues in the Bradford Episcopal Area. St Chad’s, with its strong traditional Anglican Catholic heritage, is one of two parishes in the city of Bradford that have passed a resolution the Bishops and Priest (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure of 2014.

A ministry of some 47 years from a previous vicar ended in 2016, after which the church has had Interim Ministry.  The objectives for the Interim Ministry included assessing whether the future of St Chad’s lay more in being a centre of Catholic worship and mission within the Diocese of Leeds, or in focusing on its immediate parish context in outreach and service.  Some growth was seen from the former, supported by improvements to the parish website, and 90% of those on the electoral roll now live outside the parish.  However, the PCC has also retained a commitment to the latter.

Thanks to a generous three year grant from the Additional Curates Society (ACS), we are able to make a 0.5 stipend appointment of a priest-in-charge (three days a week plus Sundays) for three years.  This timescale offers a helpful impetus to continue progressing the main emphases of the Interim Ministry which are set out in the Role description.

For an informal chat about this role please contact Ven Dr Andy Jolley on 07973 458403

Parish Brochure     Role Description      Person Spec


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