Clergy Vacancies

Vicar of St John's Clayton

St John’s Clayton is a single church parish within a clearly defined large urban village in West Bradford. It has a growing population through new housing developments. St John’s has strong lay leadership and associated structures. It was designated a Resourcing Church in 2019 and is receiving Strategic Development Funding from 2019-2027 to support revitalisation work in west Bradford.

Interim Vicar of St James Silsden

St James is a large single-church small town parish with a “village” feel to the west of Keighley and Bradford. The parish population is growing through new housing developments and has recently become vacant after a faithful ministry of 13 years from the previous clergy. Important building blocks are in place in terms of engagement with the community, regular Alpha courses, a range of worship service styles, good governance structures, development of the church buildings and increasingly confident lay ministry.

Interim Associate Vicar of Tong and Laisterdyke

We are looking for a creative and energetic parish priest with a passion for Jesus and a love for people to help us explore, shape, agree and enable mission and ministry to flourish across our parish.

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