150 miles for a 150th anniversary

To mark the 150th anniversary of St Thomas’s Church Sutton in Craven, the Revd Brian Greenfield, curate at St Thomas’s, and the vicar’s husband, Simon Collings, will be cycling 150 miles.

From June 10th -12th, Brian and Simon will be cycling along the Leeds - Liverpool canal to raise money for two causes important to the community: POPI (Pass on Pre-Loved Items) and St Thomas’s Church, Sutton.

They will be cheered on their way by the children of the two village primary schools, Sutton CE Primary School and Sutton County Primary School. 

Simon Collings said, “Please do consider sponsoring us for these great local causes. A 150-mile bike ride over three days might not seem like a great challenge to some but for these rather decrepit, middle-aged men it’s going to be a real bone shaking, muscle crunching ordeal!”

The first 75 miles cycled will be in aid of POPI which collects and distributes donations of preloved items for babies and children under 5 in vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Keighley and the surrounding area. The money raised will go towards running costs and purchase of items that can’t be passed on such as mattresses.

The second 75 miles will be in aid of St Thomas’s Church.  During its 150-year history the church has played a central role in village life and is now seeking new ways in which it can support the community.

Brian and Simon can be sponsored via their Just Giving page.

For further details please contact the Revd Helen Collings:


01535 636679


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