150 years of church life with artistic connections at Hoylandswaine

The Church of St John the Evangelist, Hoylandswaine, is celebrating its 150th Anniversary throughout the month of July with a series of celebration events.

A small, atmospheric and typically Victorian Parish Church, St John’s is well-loved and has an interesting history which links to the Pre-Raphaelite artists of the time.  

This is shown by the mural painted by John Roddam Spencer-Stanhope on the east wall of the Church and is almost certainly unique in South Yorkshire.

From Saturday, July 6 to Tuesday, July 3, there will be special services and events to mark the anniversary of the church, which was designed by the renowned architect, William Crossland, on land donated by the Wentworth family of Stainborough and the building was paid for by the Spencer-Stanhopes of Cannon Hall, Cawthorne.  

The Church also includes designs by two of the outstanding and world-famous artists of the Pre-Raphaelite era. These are Edward Burne-Jones, whose design forms the basis of the stained glass window and William Morris, whose factory made the windows.

Edward Burne-Jones was an artist and designer of ceramics, textiles and stained glass, and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. William Morris was a world-famous textile designer, poet, novelist, social activist and a leading member of the Arts and Crafts movement.

The events in July will include talks about the history of the church and the village, the work of the local artist, John Roddam Spencer-Stanhope, as well as classical music concerts, an art exhibition and floral displays.

Special services will include a visit by the Bishop of Wakefield, the Rt Revd Tony Robinson to bless a new altar frontal cloth, a “Songs of Praise” Service on Sunday, July 28.

There will be an Evensong Service on Tuesday, July 30 to commemorate the original consecration of the Church in July 1869.

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