150 years of community worship celebrated at Christchurch, Windhill

Christian community life through the years starred in a special slideshow to mark the 150th anniversary of worship at Christchurch, Windhill.

Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Toby Haworth, was one of many visitors who attended a lively service at the Christchurch Local Ecumenical Partnership, beside Leeds Road, Shipley.

Priest in charge Revd Mark Watson held a commemorative service in the morning and organised afternoon tea with cakes for people to enjoy while looking at a slide show of old photographs of the church's congregation and community involvement through the years.

Children also took part in fun activities which had been prepared by Mr Watson.

"It really was a thoroughly enjoyable and successful day. It was lovely to welcome Bishop Toby along, as well as my predecessor Reverend Sarah Jemison who was here for around 17 years before I took over," said Revd Mark, pictured to the left of Bishop Toby with Revd Sarah Jemison and Revd John Allison.

"My assistant priest Reverend John Allison was here also and he enjoyed chatting to people and showing them around the church.

“John has wealth of knowledge, having been a choir boy at the church before becoming ordained."

Bradford Council leader Susan Hinchcliffe, who is a member of the congregation, went along to the service.

Christchurch, an Anglican Methodist initiative, iis part of Shipley Christians Together, where all denominations work for the common good.

The church is where theSCT  food bank meets and it prides itself in being part of a warm community of people.

Pictures courtesy of the Bradford Telegraph and Argus.

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