480 miles walked to raise money for church

A member of one of our Leeds churches has taken the scenic route to raise money this July, by walking some 480 miles. 
Karen McLean, who worships at Christ Church, Lofthouse, was set to walk the Camino de Santiago, the 480.9 mile pilgrimage that leads to the shrine of St James the Great in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in north-western Spain.
Unfortunately this was cancelled but Karen decided to walk the miles in Yorkshire, completing the challenge virtually.
She set out on July 1 and each day walked an average of 17.5 miles, returning home each evening to nurse her feet and recover before the next day.  
This continued every day until on July 28 she walked to Lofthouse and was was greeted by a small group of friends at the church gates.
Karen was sponsored along the way of this remarkable journey and will be donating the money raised to Christ Church.
Karen said: “Once I signed up for the challenge, I downloaded the Virtual challenge App to my phone with a unique code. 
“My daily miles were then logged and recorded, with a running total and remaining miles each day. 
“As I reached various towns/cities or places of interest along the way, I received a virtual postcard so I could upload it and share it with those following my journey.  
“On August 10, I received my official Camino de Santiago medal and am awaiting the t-shirt.
“Of course, my biggest reward has been the generosity and kindness of family, friends and strangers who have supported me along the way, in raising money for Christ Church.”
If you would like to support Karen’s fundraising and Christ Church, Lofthouse, please click here.    

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