500 years of worship captured at Christmas Tree Festival

Significant moments from 500 years of history featured on lovingly-decorated Christmas trees at a special event at Bingley All Saints.

The parish church held its Christmas Tree Festival over the weekend. 

"It was bigger and we had more visitors than last year so we are really pleased," said Shelagh Patrick, one of the organisers.

" Apart from during the dreadful weather on Saturday afternoon we had a steady flow of visitors. 

"The general theme was ‘Celebrating 500 years’ as this year is the 500th anniversary of the present church building," explained Shelagh.  

"Trees were decorated to represent historical events or present day life in the town e.g. the opening of the Leeds/Liverpool canal, the development of the railways (below left), the Suffragette Movement,  the Industrial Revolution, textiles, Bingley Music Live, Bingley Show, and the Arts in Bingley (pictured right)."

Organisations which took part included the Sea Scouts, local schools, the Town Council, groups within the church, local businesses and groups.

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