£58,000 grant for historic metalwork restoration project

The Parish Church of All Saints', Horton has received a National Lottery grant of £58,900 for an exciting heritage project, Little Horton's Heritage - Restored, Renewed and Revealed for all.

Vicar of All Saints', Revd Canon Stephen Treasure, pictured left, in front of the organ screen, said: "We are delighted that this grant will enable the extraordinary history and heritage of All Saints to be accessible to a wider circle than the church and the local community. 

"This is a nationally significant church and deserves to be enjoyed by all."

The grant will see the restoration of the church’s mid-Victorian metalwork as well as enabling residents, especially young people, to discover the history and heritage of this significant landmark and its surrounding area through a permanent exhibition, heritage open days and educational workshops and activities for local schools.

The church has served BD5 for over 150 years, originally providing Sunday and day schools as well as regular services.

It continues to do so today including being a resource for its primary school, and supporting the local community through the Landmark Centre, located within the church building.  The Landmark Centre offers a job search and IT skills classes; Shine Together, a weekly provision for young people with learning disabilities; as well as regular coffee mornings and lunches run by the church.

The Heritage activities that will be delivered as part of this project activities mean that the church can be open to the public allowing passers-by to view the interior of the building or use the calm and peaceful space for prayer, thought and reflection.

Jonathan Bramley, Heritage and Facilities manager at All Saints' commented:"Francis Skidmore, from Coventry, was responsible for the metalwork that is being restored and was very well known in his day. 

"His work can still be found in several cathedrals and he also worked on the Albert Memorial. 

"We have already made contact with The Herbert Museum in Coventry who were keen, if our bid was successful, to publicise our project so I will be contacting them in the next week or so as well."

David Renwick, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund, Yorkshire and the Humber, said: “We have been delighted to support All Saints in Horton to enable the restoration of the historic features and engage new audiences with this much-loved local landmark. Thank you to the National Lottery players who have made it possible.”

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