A bumper year for community outreach at Wakefield Cathedral

A bumper year of community engagement is being celebrated at Wakefield Cathedral. 
“It was wonderful to welcome more than 5,000 people to the Cathedral in 2019 for outreach and educational workshops and events,” said Gillian Bunn, Wakefield Cathedral’s Community Outreach Officer. 
The community outreach programme, which completed its first full year in 2019, is funded by a partnership of the Allchurches Trust, Hymns Ancient and Modern, St George Martin Trust and the Diocese of Leeds Family and Social Welfare Council.    
150 workshops and events, offering everything from adults education to pre-school and family fun, attracted a total of 5, 030 people with the support of 68 volunteers. 
Regular workshops aimed at adults included the Cathedral Crafts Group and monthly Artwalks, with the latest hosting an exhibition of photographic work and a talk by photographer Brian Goodall.
Much of the community outreach involved educational work with local schools and students coming to the cathedral to learn more about Christian Festivals and signs and symbols. Community Outreach Officer, Gillian was also invited to lead collective worship and other interactive sessions at local schools such as Flanshaw Junior and Infant School. 
34 of the events from 2019, including Family Fun, Messy Cathedral and Youth Film sessions, focussed on the Christian nurture of young people.  
For more information about Wakefield Cathedral’s continuing community outreach events in 2020 please visit their website. 

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